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16th Century
This fine Morion is adorned with gilt medallions connected by vertical and transverse gilt bands, upon a black ground. On the centre of the skull: on the one side Mutius Scaevola thrusting his hand into the fire; on the other: M. Curtius leaping into the gulf. On the comb, the arms of Saxony on the one side, and of the Electorate on the other. Engraved and gilt, these motives are framed within the medallion already mentioned. The base of the skull is adorned with a row of rivets chased in the form of lions' heads, in gilt bronze. At back, a gilt bronze plume-holder in form of a siren. This morion has laminated steel cheek-bands, mounted on leather, edged with a gilt band engraved with scrollwork. On each lame is an engraved and gilt rosette of gilt bronze.
From the Dupasquier Collection
Provenance: Purchased by William Randolph Hearst from Arnold Seligmann, Rey & Co., Inc., April 24, 1924 for $1,722.96; sold to Le Passe, April 1944 for $300.
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Photograph, William Randolph Hearst Archive, S/B lot 625, art #268, Album 7, p. 6