Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Larry Banks

Committee Chair and Members

Larry Banks, Chair

Maureen Nappi

Marjan Moghaddam


Augmented reality, Computer graphics imaging


Augmented reality is a technology that pushes the boundaries of media art and cyber security, expanding the potential and challenges of each. By combining computer graphics and realistic visuals, a new medium category was created that increased the classic realistic experiences. Traditional realistic sensations are the ordinary senses humans use to respond to incoming information, such as seeing, hearing, touching, and smelling—this viewpoint is based on a combination of visual anthropology and media theory.

It is vital for a media artist and software developer to understand how immersive technologies can improve the production and presentation of relevant content in interactive media and media art. The skills and experience gained in augmented reality benefit software developers, media artists, and designers by adding a new dimension to their creations and guiding their future roles in light of the new ethical challenges introduced by AR. This paper will look at historical and modern AR examples and ethical considerations concerning user interaction, security, and innovation, focusing on the prospect of updating and fine-tuning our current traditional and prototype augmented reality apps. Finally, this study will give recommendations for the future of AR development in the sectors of cyber security and media art.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons
