Creator Information
M. S.

Date Information
ca. 1630
"Barrel 39.4 inches long; calibre .65 of an inch; octagonal; at breech engraved with tendrils and foliation, where the initials M. S. occur, also owner's stamp at side of barrel, the royal crown above monogram C. L. Lock of high quality workmanship, enriched everywhere with engraving; on hammer fire-dragon's head...the two major themes of composition on single plates of ivory are Diana as musician charming the unicorn, and on cover, of pyrites-holder Diana sounding her horn. Double-headed eagle engraved on the butt-plate. Note: The artist signing his initials M.S. is doubtless Martin Sussebecker, b. in Liegnitz 1593, d. 1668 in Dresden. Provenance: Purchased by William Randolph Hearst from the European Arms and Armor Sale at American Art Association, Nov. 20, 1926 for $1050; sold to City Art Museum of St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1939 for $1050."
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Long Island University, Brookville, NY, http://liu.edu Photograph, William Randolph Hearst Archive, S/B lot 1033, Article 142, Album 1b, p. 66