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16th century
"Round barrel of plain bright steel, with carved band at center, and with reinforced muzzle. Stock of dark wood, hexagonal grip and ovoid ball butt. Profuse inlay of white horn, engraved with grotesques, scrolls, fruit. Bone ferrule between grip and pommel. Engraved bone ramrod sleeves, ramrod with bone tip. Trigger guard with file-working modeling. Lock of simple early form, with external wheel held in place by pan and by steel clip. Provenance: Purchased by William Randolph Hearst from H. G. Keasbey Sale, through American Art Association, November 28, 1925. "
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Long Island University, Brookville, NY, http://liu.edu Photograph, William Randolph Hearst Archive, S/B lot 464, Article 3, Album 1b, p. 63