Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Lynn Cohen, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Kathleen Feeley, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Ruth Guirguis, Ed.D.


Research has focused on methods to support, train, and prepare one-to-one paraprofessionals from perspectives of administrators and teachers. This quantitative study extended research by investigating perspectives of one-to-one paraprofessionals on preparation, support, communication, feedback, and involvement in planning. These variables were investigated using 20 statements on a Likert-scale survey. Demographic information of participants include age, gender, age level of student, passage of the Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills (ATAS), years of experience in education, type of class student is in, and professional preparation were surveyed as well. A convenience sample of 50 participants responded to the survey. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were determined for each Likert-scale statement variable to measure the strength of their associations. After a strong association was determined, composite scores for each variable measuring each hypothesis were created. A multiple linear regression analysis was run for each research question. Results from these analyses created highly statistically significant models (p(F)<.05). These models indicated that perceived preparation, support, communication, feedback, and planning all contribute significantly to the overall role of one-to-one paraprofessionals working in public schools in Long Island, New York. Averaged perceived support had the most influence on average perceived preparation (β=.40) and average perceived communication (β=.49) had the most positive influence on average perceived feedback. Preparation methods such as providing one-to-one paraprofessionals with a job description or establishing meeting times for those involved are small changes that can promote positive change. This information will help administrators prioritize support for one-to-one paraprofessionals working in public schools in Long Island, New York.

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Education Commons
