Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
First Advisor
Linnea Mavrides, Psy.D.
Second Advisor
Eva Feindler, Ph.D.
Third Advisor
Lilly Magid, Psy.D.
Gender disappointment (GD) refers to the sadness parents feel when the sex of their child differs from their preference (Groenewald, 2016). While GD is a globally recognized phenomenon, research in the United States remains limited despite anecdotal evidence on social media and restrictive gender norms (Heise et al., 2019). This qualitative study explored the subjective experiences of GD in American mothers. Twelve biologically female participants, aged 18 and older, who experienced GD were recruited through convenience and snowball sampling. Semi-structured interviews conducted via video conferencing, averaging 40 minutes, were analyzed using grounded theory methodology (Auerbach & Silverstein, 2003). A member check validated the results. Six theoretical constructs emerged: 1) The Illusion of Control: Mothers’ Efforts to Control for Gender, Their Realizations of Powerlessness, and Dealing with What is; 2) Mothers Yearn for Empowerment of Girlhood, Strong Familial Relationships, and Lifelong Bonds through Raising Daughters; 3) Mothers Express Emotional Turmoil over Having Sons Resulting from Preexisting Beliefs, Gender Stereotypes, and a Perception of Males as Unfamiliar; 4) Why Not Me? The Emotional Impact of Societal Comparisons and Reminders of Unmet Gender Wishes on Mothers Having Sons; 5) Breaking the Silence: Mothers Need Support to Navigate the Guilt, Shame, and Stigmatization of Gender Disappointment; and 6) Mothers’ Journey of Grief toward Acceptance: Embracing the Duality of Desire and Reality. Findings highlight GD’s psychological challenges, the need for mental health support, reduced stigma, and trained medical professionals. This research aims to normalize GD, foster dialogue, and inspire therapeutic interventions to help mothers with GD.
Recommended Citation
Scaccio, Melanie, "Exploring Gender Disappointment: Social Stigma, Underlying Shame, and Grieving an Idealized Family… “Oh well, as long as it’s a healthy baby!”" (2025). Selected Full Text Dissertations, 2011-. 93.